Let's talk about

For Students in Grades 7-12

Did you know...
Your well-being is our top priority; we want you to feel safe and be safe! Research indicates that as many as 1 in 10 high school students has experienced physical violence from a dating partner in the past year. (loveisrespect.org) 

These numbers are even greater as students progress into college years.

As you age and your social circle expands, you need to be empowered by fostering relationships that are based on mutual respect, honesty, boundaries, support, and acceptance. 

Having your own boundaries, and respecting other people’s boundaries builds that foundation. This includes family and friends whom you allow into your inner circle. Unfortunately, abuse and neglect are very real for many middle and high school students.

If you are concerned about something you have experienced or a friend’s situation, please reach out to our counselor. Even if we are not meeting in person, counselors are still available to you. In the meantime, learn more about how to develop healthy boundaries and relationships by reading the facts and visiting some of the sites below.

Student Tips

Talk to your parents and keep open communication with them. They may be more understanding than you expect.

Identify healthy relationships in your life and strive to develop healthy friendships.

Know your limitations and stick to them!

Develop and practice ways to say no when someone’s actions make you uncomfortable.

Know your digital boundaries!
Keep passwords personal, share respectful pictures and know that digital information is never private.

Report concerns to a trusted adult! We are here for you!



“What are child abuse and neglect?”
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Aug 1, 2018. (2:19 minutes) 
Watch Video

“What Teens Think About: Healthy Relationships.”
My Health. February 22, 2017. (2:03 minutes) 
Watch Video

“What Makes a Relationship Healthy?”
AMAZE.org. February 15, 2018. (2:15 minutes) 
Watch Video

Helplines & Websites

National Domestic Violence Hotline
(en espanol, Deaf and hard of hearing) 

Childhelp National Abuse Hotline

Safe Place for Youth

Love Is Respect

Erin’s Law for Information on sexual and emotional abuse

Love Is Respect
A self-care checklist 

(Spanish as well) 

Girl’s Health

Live About

Internet Matters