Support for the Social and Emotional Well-Being of Our Youth
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Jennifer Claire Moore Foundation
Gathering Goodness. Spreading Hope.
We provide programs, services, and resources across Baldwin County, AL that support the social and emotional well-being of the youth in our communities. We hope to instill positive mental health and resiliency in our youth for generations to come.

Peer Helpers PLUS
Peer Helpers PLUS is a multi-tiered prevention and support program for K-12 schools. One tier addresses potential daily issues and risk factors that students face, and teaches coping strategies. The other equips them with the knowledge and skills to support their peers who are facing these obstacles.

Youth Mental Health First Aid
YMHFA is an 8-hour, 3-year certification course designed for adults who work with youth. The course covers how to recognize and address warning signs of mental health problems in adolescents, including a 5-step plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations.

How Can YOU Help?